


When it comes to expressing your love for playing table tennis in English, you can say, \"My hobby is playing table tennis,\" or \"My hobby is playing ping-pong.\" Playing table tennis not only provides great physical exercise but also sharpens cognitive skills and improves hand-eye coordination.


Describing someone who plays table tennis lazily yet effectively, you could say, \"Although your level may not be high, you still have a considerable advantage against amateur players. While your backhand may lack offensive skills, your pushing technique is strong, with fast speed and versatile variations. Therefore, handling average opponents should not be a problem for you.\"


To invite someone to play table tennis with you in English, you can simply say, \"Let\'s play ping-pong.\" Engaging in sports activities like table tennis not only fosters physical fitness and teamwork but also promotes social interaction and enhances overall well-being.


Expressing your fondness for playing badminton and table tennis in English, you can say, \"I like to play badminton and ping-pong.\" Engaging in sports like badminton and table tennis helps in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and building strong muscles while improving agility and reflexes.


After class, you can say, \"I play table tennis with my classmates after class.\" Engaging in sports activities after school not only provides a break from academic stress but also promotes social bonding among classmates.